Fireflies are well known bugs in Japan: they're often called as "Japanese Fireflies", but this bug live into Asia and reach southern Europe ( France, Spain, Italy, Portugal ) and Africa.
Firefly is a beetle belonging to Lampyridae family and they are equipped by specific lightings organs under abdomen: fireflies get oxygen and join it with a substances called luciferin inside special cell. This reaction produces light almost without heat.
In many laboratories around the world, scientists are preparing to "revive" the technique of "theraupetic cloning" which aims to reprogram adult human stem cells in order to get stem cells similiars to embryotic ones.
Following the news about the first human adult cells reprogramming from research group of Oregon, dealt by Shoukhrat Mitalipov, obtaining human embryotic stem cell by cloning is no more impossible.
The target is getting group of undifferentiated cells that belong to the same patients and, therefore, compatible with their organism.
Venerdì 7 giugno 2013, dalle 9 alle 16, presso la Sala Gialla della Regione Abruzzo (viale G. Bovio 425), si terrà il workshop formativo rivolto a docenti e tutor d'aula "Presentazione e creazione di materiale didattico per la formazione civica". Relatrici le dottoresse Nicoletta Santeusanio e M. Valentina Marasco dell'Università per Stranieri di Perugia.
Nel corso della giornata, la Fondazione Mondo Digitale presenterà il materiale didattico multimediale per la formazione civica creato nell'ambito del progetto "SI-Scuola di Italiano".