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Multimedia Closer Encounter...11 That's not a mistery that more about 1.200 species are able to "walk" on the water surface, from tiny bugs and spiders, to bigger animal, such as reptiles, birds and mamals. The basilisks can walk... Giovedì, June 26, 2014 - 17:24
Ritratto di Mattia Cola
Multimedia The Human Body...7 This is another dissection from a corpse, in which anatomists were extract only the human nervous system. affiliate tracking url『アディダス』に分類された記事一覧 Mercoledì, June 11, 2014 - 10:50
Ritratto di Mattia Cola
Multimedia The Human Body...6 If we inject lattex into blood system of a cadaver, and subsequently decay the body using a chemical substances, this one is what we will obtain: a faithful reproduction of the entire human bloody... Mercoledì, June 11, 2014 - 10:40
Ritratto di Mattia Cola
Multimedia Wonders around the world...11 ( special insert) I sometimes stay breathless while i'm watching some of these pictures, which testify the great and inimitable power of Mother Nature.  As a real sculptor, she molds the matter to create... Venerdì, April 25, 2014 - 22:09
Ritratto di Mattia Cola
Multimedia The Human Body...5 Gastric Mucosa at scanning electron microscope. It consists in a barriel of 0,2 mm which covers the mucus membrane of the inner stomach, in order to defend the epithelium tissue againsts the... Giovedì, March 20, 2014 - 17:06
Ritratto di Mattia Cola
Multimedia Closer Encounter...10 The male of jawfish is a curious fish which lives in Coral Reefs of the Caribbean Sea. He takes care of the eggs by brooding hem in his mouth untill the time of their hatching. In fact, the enormus... Giovedì, March 20, 2014 - 16:56
Ritratto di Mattia Cola
Multimedia The Sulfur ( Periodic Element N°16) SULFUR ( from Sanskrit world "sulvere") SYMBOL: S ATOMIC NUMBER: 16 MOLAR MASS ( g\mol): 32,06 NORMAL STATE: solid DENSITY (g*cm-3): 2,09 MELTING POINT ( °C): 115 BOILING POINT ( °C): 445 IONIZATION... Sabato, March 8, 2014 - 14:40
Ritratto di Mattia Cola
Multimedia Wonders around the world...10 Kawachi Fuji Garden, Japan.bridge medianike fashion Giovedì, February 20, 2014 - 16:59
Ritratto di Mattia Cola
Multimedia The microscopic world...9 The huge, and invisible to our eyes, difference between a natural sugar crystal ( in the right) and a refined sugar crystal ( in the left).bridgemediaM2k Tekno Mercoledì, January 29, 2014 - 17:49
Ritratto di Mattia Cola
Multimedia Animal Of the Week...27 The Bald Eagle is famous to be the national symbol of United States Of America, even thought this real rapacious was nearly wiped out of there. For many decades, bald eagle had been hunted for... Lunedì, January 13, 2014 - 15:00
Ritratto di Mattia Cola
