(4 members) Shortlink
Meet No Neet al Liceo Boggio Lera di Catania


Il liceo Boggio Lera partecipa al progetto Meet No Neet


You can show the latest updates of this project in your website with two different widgets; to display a widget, just copy and paste the corresponding code into your website template.

Slideshow Widget

<iframe src="https://phyrtual.org/services.php?service=projectslideshow&lang=el&project=2336&ctype=all"
    style="border:none; width:640px; height:420px; overflow: hidden;">

The dimensions of the slideshow widget are currently fixed to 640x420 pixels.

List Widget

<iframe src="https://phyrtual.org/services.php?service=projectbox&lang=el&font-size=11px&n=4&project=2336"
    style="border:none; width:250px; height:500px; overflow: auto;">

The dimensions of the list widget can be customized by changing the dimensions of the iframe specified in the style attribute.