The Knowledge Volunteers Network
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TKV in Valencia • Shortlink
Last updated by a.mazzucato - Mon, 28/01/2013 - 14:54The FMD “The Knowledge Volunteers” Project goes live in Valencia, Spain.
The Vila-Roja high school in Castellon (Almassora) is the first in Valencia and the second in Spain to participate in the European TKV project, which is financed by the European Commission’s Grundtvig Programme and promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale in partnership with 6 European countries: Czech Republic, Greece, Romania, Spain, Switzerland and the UK.
Fundetec is the Spanish partner, while the initiative is sponsored and supported by the AMPA Centre, in collaboration with Espaitec, the technological and scientific park of the Jaume I Castellón University.
From January 17 to May 16, every Thursday (6 – 7:30 pm) at the IES Vila-Roja, young volunteer students will teach over-sixties how to use the web and e-mails and improve the quality of their lives through the intergenerational exchange.
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