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Young and Old make Music in Garmerwolde


Children of the Rijdende Popschool link up with a local Choir to make music for their community Garmerwolde in Groningen


Conocimiento Rápido

First two ComeON! meetings held in Garmerwolde, Groningen

On February 2 and February 9, 2015, the first 2 ComeOn sessions were held in the Townhouse. 

10 Senior citizens of Garmerwolde and surrounding communities met up with 9 teenagers to discuss current affairs, the simularities and differences between old and young, and talk about music! In this way they quickly got to know each other a bit better. We soon found out that young and old can have similar music tastes. The senior people liked Nirvana and the Red Hot Chilly peppers and the Stones and Beatles caught on with the young. Although there was some discussion about the two different versions of 'All of me'. One being from Frank Sinatra, the other from John Ledgend.

More serious discussions covered issues as euthanisia, Global peace and the exploration of gas in the province of Groningen (this can lead to earthquakes and damages to the local communities). The conversations were easy going, open and uncovered many common issues between young and old. 

During the second meeting the senior citizens and young people shared lists of songs that they would like to preform together at the closing ComeON! event on April 4, 2015. 

Final decisions still have to be made, but rehearsels will start on Ferbuary 12! 

The meetings were facilitated by Niels Steenstra and Sabine Hoes, together with schoolteacher Okie and singing coach Robin. 

Next Joint meeting (besides rehearsals) will be on March 9, 2015 


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