Corso di base per realizzatori di videogiochi, dai 10 ai 90 anni
Il progetto prevede una serie di lezioni in presenza ed altrettante on line sull'ambiente Game Maker.
Scopo del corso è mettere in grado i ragazzi di progettare e produrre da soli i propri videogiochi.
Il progetto si aggancia alle recenti aperture del MIUR alla programmazione come disicplina scolastica intendendo utilizzare una forma alternativa di coding, che fornisca ai ragazzi maggiori motivazioni rispetto alle lezioni scratch-like attualmente in uso e permetta la realizzazione di prodotti indipendenti e liberamente fruibili.
molecular biology is the last spearhead of the biology sciences, and it is enclosed in the biotechnology studies. Molecular biology's research target is focused about all the biochemical relations which occur from a gene in a nucleic acid to its traslation in protein. In clinic world, to make a deep classification of diagnostics laboratories, you speak about "molecular biology" if the protein is human or animal, "molecular bacteriology" wheter the protein is bacterial, and "molecular virology" wheter the protein is viral.
The great financial development which is bringing forward the Oriental countries, e.g China, is producing high amounts of smog released into the atmosphere, exactly like a big black cloud which is keeping on mouving to North America.
Asian pollution is leading stronger cyclones through the Pacific area, with more precipitations and a heat courrent draught untill North Pole. With after all these changes, "It's is certain that climate is changing in the U.S.", say Renyi Zhang to National Geographic, a professor of atmosferic sciences at Texas A&M University in College Station.