Animal of the week...11 • Shortlink
Ultimo aggiornamento di Mattia Cola - Gio, 17/01/2013 - 21:00We are sorry fore late, but we've just taken a break with the pubblication for personal motives.
But now, here come again to relate another week to a special animal, the arctic fox!
Artic foxes are hardly animal and they can survive well at wery low temperatures ( about -50°C) in frozen lands wich are their home.
They have a shine white mantle, short ears and muzzle; so, all the characteristics that confer to these mammals the necessaries condition to survive in hard natural situations.
Their coats acts as a means of cammuoflage, too. When the seasons change, the fox's coat turns into a brown/gray colours: this colourings help foxes to hunt rodents, birds and fish.
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