Traditional art club from Bosteni-Iasi, Romania
A traditional art club where older women teach girls to sew and weave

Traditional art club from Bosteni-Iasi, Romania
A traditional art club where older women teach girls to sew and weave
The world is in continuous progress and the people do what is easier: buy all from the mall. Young people are embarrassed to wear traditional clothes, preferring blue-jeans. Girls do not know how to sew or weave beautiful traditional costumes. This is why in Boşteni-Paşcani from Iaşi county, the teachers Emilia Mihalache, Ramona Cozma and the priest Cosmin Cozma have established a traditional art club where older women teach girls to sew and weave. The beginning was shy but with the completion of the first suit, the girls took courage, working with enthusiasm. Currently they managed to finish twelve traditional costumes, which dress to go to church.Authentic SneakersClot Jan 23, 2021 Low Sepia Stone DC9857-200 Release Date - SB...