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Multimedia Into the Wild...6 A thiny crab clings to an anemone under the Ocean water. Crabs usually climb under stones, among sponges, amid mussels and other hidden places bottom of the Ocean.trace affiliate linkNike Martes, July 16, 2013 - 09:21
Imagen de Mattia Cola
Multimedia The Human Body...1 This new insert shows ya how we are made, according to another eye...This is, for example, a Golgi Apparatus in a human cell. In future, I'm going to write a topic about cell world. Nike air jordan... Sábado, July 6, 2013 - 18:33
Imagen de Mattia Cola
Multimedia The Magnesium ( periodic element N° 12) MAGNESIUM ( From "Magnesia", an area of Tessaglia, Greece) SYMBOL: Mg ATOMIC NUMBER: 12 MOLAR MASS (g\mol): 24,31 NORMAL STATE: solid DENSITY (g*cm-3): 1,74 MELTING POINT (°C): 650 BOILING POINT ( °... Martes, July 2, 2013 - 16:07
Imagen de Mattia Cola
Multimedia Animal of the week...25 Although it's called as "bear", Koala is a marsupial mamal: in fact, after giving a bird, mom koala put their babies into her punch for about six mouths. Koalas live in Eastern Australia, where... Viernes, June 28, 2013 - 16:59
Imagen de Mattia Cola
Multimedia Biogeochemical cycles part 2- Sulfur Cycle Here again for our travel through natural reactions! For this movie, we very thank our photograph Anna Paola Di Giorgio for her pine picture watched in third minute. See you for the Carbon Cycle.... Miércoles, June 26, 2013 - 09:27
Imagen de Mattia Cola
Multimedia Closer Encounter...7 Even known as "silverfish", the Lepisma Saccharina is a small insect and is found in human's homes. The name results from their body tonality, which ranging from clear blue to silver. Instead, the... Miércoles, June 19, 2013 - 10:00
Imagen de Mattia Cola
Multimedia The Sodium ( Periodic Element N°11) SODIUM ( from Soda, in latin language is Natrium) SYMBOL: Na ATOMIC NUMBER: 11 MOLAR MASS (g\mol): 22,99 NORMAL STATE: solid DENSITY (g*cm-3): 0,97 MELTING POINT (°C): 98 BOILING POINT ( °C): 883... Lunes, June 10, 2013 - 18:55
Imagen de Mattia Cola
Multimedia Special pictures...9 The World ( or almost) in an only Petri disks, composed of different mutants of Funaria HygrometricaBest Authentic SneakersSneakers Martes, June 4, 2013 - 11:25
Imagen de Mattia Cola
Multimedia Animal of the week...24 The swallow is a little migratory bird which commonly lives in Europe, Asia, Africa and Amerca. It's short but very nimble, long about 18 cm with windspang of 12cm. The tail is long and forked, the... Lunes, June 3, 2013 - 21:41
Imagen de Mattia Cola
Multimedia Closer encounter...6 Attacus atlas female is the one of the most magnificant butterfly in the world. With two windspans of over 25-30 cm, they are le largest insect known today. trace affiliate linkAir Jordan 4 OG Fire... Jueves, May 30, 2013 - 10:07
Imagen de Mattia Cola
