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Multimedia Closer encounter...4 The Dendrosophus Ebraccatus frog is native to Central and Southern America. When it is adult, the reptile can enough reach 4 cm lenght. Biologists are discovering more and more species of thiny... Miércoles, March 20, 2013 - 15:14
Imagen de Mattia Cola
Multimedia The Boron (Periodic Element n°5) BORON ( From Arabic word "buraq", borax) SYMBOL: B ATOMIC NUMBER: 5 MOLAR MASS (g\mol): 10,81 NORMAL STATE: solid DENSITY (g*cm-1): 2,47 MELTING POINT (°C): 2300 BOILING POINT (°C): 3931 IONIZATION... Sábado, March 16, 2013 - 14:28
Imagen de Mattia Cola
Multimedia Closer Encounter...3 This particular frog is called, in scientific language, Hyperolius Leucotaeniu and its a single exemplary of transparent frog, as you can see in the picture. This frog by clear skin had been... Sábado, March 16, 2013 - 12:53
Imagen de Mattia Cola
Multimedia The Beryllium (Periodic element N°4)  Beryllium     (From the mineral's name "beryllium":Be3Al2SiO18  ) SYMBOL: Be ATOMIC NUMBER: 4 MOLAR MASS (g\mol): 9,01 NORMAL STATE: solid DENSITY (g*cm-3): 1,85 MELTING POINT (°C): 1285 BOILING... Lunes, March 11, 2013 - 18:46
Imagen de Mattia Cola
Multimedia Into the wild...3 This is a Snowy Plover Chick. It's a kind of bird very thiny, but this curious size is very useful to hide well in the sand, where they move fast in spurts.Nike Sneakersロングコート コーデ メンズ特集!... Lunes, March 11, 2013 - 18:24
Imagen de Mattia Cola
Multimedia Animal of the week...19 Caracal is an average size catlike. The noun Caracal results from Turkish word "Karakulak" which means Black ear. In fact, the particularity of this mammal is having two very long pointed ears,... Domingo, March 10, 2013 - 11:08
Imagen de Mattia Cola
Multimedia The Helium (periodic element N°2) HELIUM (from Greek "Helios", the Sun) SYMBOL: He ATOMIC NUMBER: 2 MOLAR MASS (g\mol): 4,00 NORMAL STATE: gaseous DENSITY (g*cm-3): 0,12 MELTING POINT (°C): - BOILING POINT (°C): -269 IONIZATION... Martes, February 26, 2013 - 19:29
Imagen de Mattia Cola
Multimedia The Hydrogen (periodic element N°1) HYDROGEN (from Greek: "which produces water) SYMBOL: H                                                                                                                                 ATOMIC NUMBER:... Viernes, February 22, 2013 - 17:43
Imagen de Mattia Cola
Multimedia The Lithium (Periodic Element N°3) LITHIUM (from Greek "lithos", rock) SYMBOL: Li ATOMIC NUMBER: 3 MOLAR MASS (g\mol): 6,94 NORMAL STATE: solid DENSITY (g*cm-3): 0,53 MELTING POINT (°C): 181 BOILING POINT: 1347 IONIZATION ENERGY (Kj\... Domingo, March 3, 2013 - 14:36
Imagen de Mattia Cola
Multimedia Into the Wild!...2 Photograph by Frans Lanting, National Geographic. A male cheetah lookout on a tree in Masai Mara Reserve, Kenya. Its prospectives ain't so good: shy for nature, the great runner needs of wide spaces... Domingo, March 3, 2013 - 14:17
Imagen de Mattia Cola
