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The Knowledge Volunteers Network


Different age and countries but all Knowledge Volunteers


]“The knowledge volunteers” (TKV) project aims to promote the acquisition of digital competences among elders at risk of exclusion andintergenerational relations that also benefit the education of young people.

In addition, the voluntary participation, of youth and elders, provides a learning opportunity for both generations to improve their self-esteem and relations, while reducing the risk of social isolation for elders in particular. TKV project conducts dedicated pilot training coursesin the European countries with minor involvement of elders in voluntary activities: Italy, Spain, Greece, Czech Republic and Romania. The beneficiaries are schools and elderly centres and ]also young volunteers, teachers, elderly volunteers; local citizens at large.

The project develops and brings to EU level the didactical/organizational ICT learning methodology for elders defined and successfully applied at local level by the Italian partner, Fondazione Mondo Digitale, integrating it with other partners’ experiences. Moreover, this methodology is enriched with the application of the peer-to-peer course approach carried out by older experienced volunteers to other new older students. The didactical inter-generational approach is based on the active role of young students, who act as individual teachers or tutors of elders. A special didactical toolkit has been set up and is free downloadable here .

The other partners also work in adult education and are part of wider networks of schools/stakeholders. Their contribution enriches and translates (English, Spanish, Greek, Romanian and Czech) the didactical kit for an European level dissemination.

The partners are:

  • Fondazione Mondo Digitale (FMD), Italy
  • University of Edinburgh
  • 50plus Hellas
  • Societatea Romana Pentru Educatie Permanenta
  • Foundaciòn Para el Desarollo Infotecnologico de Empresas
  • Centrum vizualizace a interaktivity vzdělávání Ostrava
  • International Communication Volunteers – ICVolunteers


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2. Objectives: 
<p style="text-align: justify;">The TKV project aims to:<br><br><strong>a)</strong> promote digital competence among older people at risk of exclusion through intergenerational exchange and relations with young people;<br><strong>b)</strong> encourage the active participation of older people in society through voluntary activities, thus enhancing self-esteem, identity and social relations;<br><strong>c)</strong> improve the production, testing, and dissemination of innovative curricula, methodologies and modules for adult learners;<br><strong>d)</strong> create a network of “Knowledge volunteers” of all ages;<br><strong>e)</strong> contribute to the creation of a more volunteer-friendly environment, with more people participating in volunteering activities throughout Europe, while facilitating international mobility among older volunteers;<br><strong>f)</strong> develop alternative learning approaches based on a Phyrtual Environment (integration of virtual and physical activities), leading to the creation of a dynamic repository of interacting good practices in the field of formal, non-formal and informal adult learning education.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Within this framework, the teaching set up assumes strategic relevance for at least two reasons. First, it must ensure the learning process efficiency and effectiveness as well as the expected outcomes achievement. Secondly, it must ensure a general lifelong learning attitude establishment, crucial for all the participants, young and old, directly and indirectly.</p>
5. Partners: 
<p class="rtejustify">The partners roles are:</p> <p class="rtejustify"><strong>Fondazione Mondo Digitale (FMD), Italy<br></strong><a href="http://www.mondodigitale.org/en" target="_blank">FMD</a> is a NGO founded by the Municipality of Rome and 6 big ICT companies (including Acea, Unisys, Wind and Intel). The FMD’s core mission is to spread the benefits of ICTs-based innovation in the school system and among the disadvantaged sectors of the population (e-inclusion). In TKV project, FMD is the applicant and the project coordinator. In addition, FMD, like other partners, has to: - carry out pilot courses for elders in order to test, improve and validate the implemented methodology - carry out in-depth case studies of the innovative methodological/didactical aspects of the project to strengthen the educational foundations of the programme - do national level dissemination activities - contribute to enlarge the Network of Knowledge Volunteers<strong><br></strong></p> <p><br><strong>University of Edinburgh</strong><br>UEDIN is one of the top ten European universities. The Business School, involved in TKV project, brings specific expertise on theories of innovation and technology strategy applied to multiple areas of social innovation and ICT-based innovation. The UEDIN main tasks in TKV project are to: - adapt and apply the real-time evaluation methodology to the value-assessment of local training events and the project at large - guide research for 4 in-depth case-studies analysing the innovative methodological and didactical aspects of the digital literacy training programme - apply the QA methodology to project’s activities.</p> <p><strong>50plus Hellas</strong><br><a href="http://www.50plus.gr/english" target="_blank">50plus Hellas</a> is the Greek first level organization involved with problems and concerns of over 50 year olds. Its purpose is to improve the elders life quality providing information, advocating on behalf of elders, undertaking research and action programmes related to ageing and generally promoting their interests. These are its main tasks in the project: - enrich, translate, customize and implement the didactical kit - carry out pilot courses for elders in order to test, improve and validate the methodology - carry out in-depth case studies of the innovative methodological/didactical aspects of the project to strengthen the educational foundations of the programme - do national level dissemination activities - contribute to enlarge the Network of Knowledge Volunteers.</p> <p><strong>Societatea Romana Pentru Educatie Permanenta</strong><br><a href="http://www.srep.ro/en/" target="_blank">SREP</a> provides the necessary conditions for people to benefit from learning opportunities throughout the adult life. SREP improves and develops teaching/learning methods and contexts to enhance the learning process quality, to ensure that every citizen receives easy, permanent access to quality information and advice on educational opportunities and to adapt lifelong learning opportunities to modern society demands. These are its main tasks in the project: - enrich, translate, customize and implement the didactical kit - carry out pilot courses for elders in order to test, improve and validate the methodology - carry out in-depth case studies of the innovative methodological/didactical aspects of the project to strengthen the educational foundations of the programme - do national level dissemination activities - contribute to enlarge the Network of Knowledge Volunteers.</p> <p><strong>Foundaciòn Para el Desarollo Infotecnologico de Empresas</strong><br><a href="http://www.fundetec.es/english/" target="_blank">Fundetec</a> mission is to increase the citizens and small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) use of technology by raising the awareness of its importance and technological capabilities through a collaborative model joining the resources and commitment of public administrations and the management capacities and experience of private sector. Fundetec has developed three basic initiatives: digital alphabetization to reduce the digital divide, an SMB certification program and a home computing initiative. These are its main tasks in the project: - enrich, translate, customize and implement the didactical kit - carry out pilot courses for elders in order to test, improve and validate the methodology - carry out in-depth case studies of the innovative methodological/didactical aspects of the project to strengthen the educational foundations of the programme - do national level dissemination activities - contribute to enlarge the Network of Knowledge Volunteers.</p> <p><strong>Centrum vizualizace a interaktivity vzdělávání Ostrava</strong><br><a href="http://www.free-art.cz" target="_blank">CVIV</a> deals with creation, realisation and coordination of educational projects supported by the EU using elements of AV creation, creation of multimedia educational products for handicapped and seniors and multimedia programming. In the last 8 years, CVIV has been coordinator and partner of pilot educational EU projects funded from programmes Leonardo da Vinci, Socrates–Grundtvig, International Vysegrad Fund, etc. CVIV is qualified to solve interactive educational processes and products with a high level of ICT exploitation. CVIV has implemented selected validated products of the solved project EQUAL into the European database of good experience EQUAL EU and has received numerous other recognitions both at regional and national level.</p> <p><strong>International Communication Volunteers – ICVolunteers<br></strong><a href="http://www.icvolunteers.org/" target="_blank">ICV</a> is an international non-profit organization specialized in communications and, in particular, languages, communication technology and conference support. ICV works with volunteers to implement social and educational programs to help populations and local communities to develop. It also promotes volunteerism and its official recognition by enhancing civic commitment and involvement and by providing leadership and links between organizations, individuals and communities. ICV main tasks in TKV project are to: - disseminate information on the project and the benefits of the intergenerational, peer-to-peer approach involving young and older volunteers - set up the network of “Knowledge volunteers”, that include young and elderly volunteers, in order to disseminate the TKV project results and activities<strong>.<br></strong></p>
Ocultar Informação de Contato Pessoal
Annaleda Mazzucato
Job Title / Profession: 
Project Manager
Fondazione Mondo Digitale