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Media Access and Education for Human Rights: Bangladesh (MAEHR)

Human Rights

implemented in Bangladesh with funding from the European Commission under the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR).


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Media Access and Education for Human Rights: Bangladesh (MAEHR)

Freedom of the press is a necessary precondition to establish a culture of human rights in Bangladesh, yet Bangladesh has a poor record in this regard.  Vulnerable groups that are most at risk in terms of human rights have the least ability to communicate their situation to civil society.  Marginalized populations, such as those living in rural areas, women, children, handicapped, poor, non-English speakers, and members of ethnic minorities, cannot avail themselves of democratic process because they lack a voice.  This project is designed to alert these members of society to the power of media to effect change, and to make media accessible to them.  Through this project, the public is empowered to make the most effective use of its media assets.

The project is built on RI Bangladesh’s school-based telecentre project www.connect-bangladesh.org which provides access to information and communication technology to more than 50 youth across Bangladesh through 27 internet enabled telecentre.

This Project has been made possible with major funding from the European Union under the “European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR)”-Micro Projects Bangladesh.  The 18 months ( 2007-2009) project is being by RI in partnership with Bangladesh Centre for Development, Journalism and Communication www.bcdjc.org .

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