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Animal of the week 7...

So, I have spoken aout the drama of african elephants killed by ivory trafficant ( seehttp://phyrtual.org/en/project/1675/highlight/stop-illegal-ivory-trade)  and, therefore, I'll decide to devote this week to the big African Elephant.

let's see what can I say about that...

African Elephants are the largest mamals on Earth. They are fond of water and enjoy showering by sucking the water up through their tranks and spraying it all over themselves.

The trank is a long noise used to smelling, breathing, eating or drinking. African Elephant have two fingerlike features on the end of their trank used to grab small items.

Both female and male elephant are two long tusks used to dig for and water and to strip bark from trees. especially, males use their tusks for fighting.

Elephants are very hungry and eat roots, grasses, fruit and bark. These wild mamals live in sub-Saharian Africa.



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