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The lethal botulinum toxins: discovedered the mechanisms.

Researchers at Harvard Medical School have just discovered the molecular mechanisms by wich the botulinum toxins is able to avoid gastrointestinal apparatus destruction and attack our nervous system. In fact, this neurotoxin, when ingested, passes through the intestine and attacks the synapses of neurons, by preventing so the acetylcholine releasing and producing a flaccid paralysis of the muscles.

This neurotoxin is part of another larger multiproteic complex, including three hemagglutinins ( Has). The Has guard the toxin from stomach acid action, and the way in which this complex succeed to cross intestinal ephitelial barrer is now understood. Today, Kwangkook Lee and colleagues of Harvad and Science can describe the 3D structure of a botulinum toxin-like, which join with E-cadherin, a protein found in cell membranes and hold them joined together. E-cadherin composes a very compact epithelial intestinal tissue and defend intestinal inner wall. 

The hemagglutinins circumventing the receptors and destroy the continuity of intestinal epithelium, allowing the toxin to cross it. The loss of E-cadherin ( typical in cancer cells) from cell membrane doesn't permit to HAs ( and all botulinum toxin) to cross the barrer.

This dangerous neurotoxin is produced by Clostridium Botulinum ( on the photo), a Gram+ bacteria which can be found in food meat, specially raw food, and decay aliments. 


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