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The Knowledge Volunteers Network


Different age and countries but all Knowledge Volunteers



"The knowledge volunteers" (TKV) project aims to promote:

  • the acquisition of digital competences among elders at risk of exclusion
  • intergenerational relations that also benefit the education of young people

In addition, the voluntary participation, of youth and elders, provides a learning opportunity for both generations to improve their self-esteem and relations, while reducing the risk of social isolation for elders in particular. TKV project conducts dedicated pilot training courses in the European countries with minor involvement of elders in voluntary activities: Italy, Spain, Greece, Czech Republic and Romania. The beneficiaries are schools and elderly centres and also young volunteers, teachers, elderly volunteers; local citizens at large.

The project develops and brings to EU level the didactical/organizational ICT learning methodology for elders defined and successfully applied at local level by the Italian partner, Fondazione Mondo Digitale, integrating it with other partners’ experiences. Moreover, this methodology is enriched with the application of the peer-to-peer course approach carried out by older experienced volunteers to other new older students. The didactical inter-generational approach is based on the active role of young students, who act as individual teachers or tutors of elders. A special didactical toolkit has been set up and is free downloadable at the project'site tkv.mondodigitale.org.

The other partners also work in adult education and are part of wider networks of schools/stakeholders. Their contribution enriches and translates (English, Spanish, Greek, Romanian and Czech) the didactical kit for an European level dissemination.

The partners are:

  • Fondazione Mondo Digitale (FMD), Italy
  • University of Edinburgh
  • 50plus Hellas
  • Societatea Romana Pentru Educatie Permanenta
  • Foundaciòn Para el Desarollo Infotecnologico de Empresas
  • Centrum vizualizace a interaktivity vzdělávání Ostrava
  • International Communication Volunteers – ICVolunteers
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