That's not a mistery that more about 1.200 species are able to "walk" on the water surface, from tiny bugs and spiders, to bigger animal, such as reptiles, birds and mamals.
Researchers at Harvard Medical School have just discovered the molecular mechanisms by wich the botulinum toxins is able to avoid gastrointestinal apparatus destruction and attack our nervous system. In fact, this neurotoxin, when ingested, passes through the intestine and attacks the synapses of neurons, by preventing so the acetylcholine releasing and producing a flaccid paralysis of the muscles.
La giornalista Cristina Lacava, per il settimanale femminile Io donna del quotidiano Corriere della Sera, ha intervistato i primi cinque testimoni della campagna Il mio futuro? #dipendedame, promossa dalla Fondazione Mondo Digitale, per sostenere i progetti di innovazione sociale ideati e realizzati dalle scuole.
... Antonio Buldini, professore di progettazione e design all’Argan di Roma: «Abbiamo cominciato con il produrre un pentolino, poi un attaccapanni. Quindi abbiamo realizzato una poltrona prototipo con l’auspicio di arrivare a cinque o sei. All’inizio c’è stato stupore, poi è seguito apprezzamento».
Achieving social innovation in communities through intergenerational volunteerism
Today’s world presents unprecedented challenges to humanity: children, young, adult and old people. Rapid advances in science and technology are having a major impact on ways of working, organizing, financing, learning, innovating and, in general, living. Internet has completely changed economic business and in the last ten years lots of new professions, markets, industries, forms of governments have arisen.
One of the task of the project is to design and test an innovative training course for students and seniors to start to work together in community projects, adopting physical and virtual dimensions.
When the first map of Ocean plastic garbage was created, marine ecologists was astonished and baffled.
The Spanish marine ecologist Andres Cozar Cabanas ( "Cabanas" written with tilde) and a researchers team have published their work on Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences, which points out the dramatic pollution in our Oceans: milions of tiny pieces of plastic drebrits floating in five large tropical "subcontinents"; that is real plastic islands!
After six moths, we come back with this curious insert about animal world.
This time we take advantage of summer time to speak about a primitive marine organism: the coral. As all primitive organisms which even now populate the Earth, corals have a very simple organization.
A real miracle took place in the last decade, and just now the findings of the Brazil's operation can be shown.
According a Dan Nepstad's research, who comes from the Earth Innovation Institute (USA), the Amazon's deforestation is reduced of 70%, and this brillant results is being got throught three steps.
Every films, comics or books which talk about alien's invasion on Earth displayed the famous "tracton beam", used by UFO spacecrafts to kidnap the poor humans.
Not many people are aware, but for some years ago, it's been known that the light ( especially laser ray) may attract microscopic amounts of matter. A researcher team from two English universities, that ones of Dundee and Southampton, and one American university ( the Illinois Wesleyan University) tuned a new ray which allows to move tools whoose dimentions overcome the centimeters.
This tissue pattern shows the pancreatic duct ( the central hole) surrounded by a cuboidal epithelium. The pancreas produces and sets free digestive enzymes into the bile duct, through the pancreatic duct. Pancreatic enzymes are being classified into:
The fossil bones found between sandstones in Moroccan Sahara belonged to the Spinosaurus aegyptiacus. All these bone pieces are being joined togheter to obtain the most complete dinosaur's structure ever seen, competed of skull, claws and bones which compose the sail on its back.
Sono 10.000 i giovani di tutta Italia tra i 16 e i 24 anni coinvolti nel progetto MEET NO NEET, promosso dalla Fondazione Mondo Digitale in collaborazione con Microsoft nell’ambito delprogramma Microsoft YouthSpark. Formazione tecnologica, sociale e imprenditoriale per permettere a ragazzi e ragazze di accedere più facilmente al mondo del lavoro e acquisire le competenze utili per vivere e lavorare nel 21° secolo.